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muslim midwife,black midwife, midwife ann arbor, midwife chelsea, midwife detroit, midwife ypsilanti, VBAC, homebirth, waterbirth, midwife livingston county, midwife near me
Khadijah is a licensed Certified Professional Midwife in the state of Michigan. She received her midwifery education from both the Midwives College of Utah and Southwest Wisconsin Technical College. She holds an Associate's Degree in Science of Midwifery.
Her journey began in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia where she became a doula and childbirth educator in 2012, attending dozens of births and raising childbirth education awareness to hundreds of women. She was heavily active in the reform for birth change and an activist for the local community.
Khadijah is very passionate about advocating for women's rights, the rights to equitable and respectful care, and raising awareness about the importance of postpartum care. One of her favorite sayings are " It takes a village to raise a child, but a community of love and support to raise a mother."
She has many projects in the works to provide affordable and easy access care to underserved communities, especially for the Black, Indigenous, and Arab communities.
She has attended and presented at many conferences and workshops and has had the pleasure of meeting and learning from some of the most legendary birth activists in the country.
She now resides in Ann Arbor, Michigan with her husband and five children.
"The greatest joy is to become a mother; the second greatest is to be a midwife."
~ A Norwegian proverb
"My goal is to make midwifery care affordable to all families and to raise awareness about childbirth education and birth choices. I want to make sure all mothers have access to midwifery care, childbirth education, labor support, and postpartum support. I want all mothers to embrace their pregnancies and births with confidence, to make well-informed choices, and to stand up for their rights. All mothers deserve to have personalized continuity of care during their pregnancies, labor, and births, just as babies deserve a gentle start in life.​"
"Birth is not only about making babies. It's about making mothers; strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and believe in their inner strength."
~ Barbara Rothman

Certified Professional Midwife, LM
Southwest Wisconsin Technical College
Heart to Heart Healthcare Training
Perinatal Mental Health Certification (PMH-C)
2022- Present
Postpartum Support International
Breech without Borders Training
Doula & Childbirth Educator
2012- Present
CPR/BLS & NRP certified
2022- Present
American Red Cross
*Required renewal is every two years.
"It has been an amazing journey spending the last few years working with the most amazing midwives, attending over 150 births and hundreds of prenatal and postpartum visits. I look forward to meeting new families in my journey as a licensed Certified Professional Midwife (CPM)."
Khadijah Bansfield, CPM, LM​​​